If growing up taught you anything it’s that the best food and drinks you will ever have will be long gone when you grow up. We decided to take a trip down memory lane and look back on some of the best foods from the 90’s and 00’s.
1. Dunkaroos
Ah, nothing says after school snack much like a glob of delicious vanilla frosting and graham cookies. The distinct blue packaging and rad kangaroo on the front will forever be engraved in our memory.
2. Surge Soda
This extra green citrus flavored beverage was taken off the shelf in 2003 and has remained in our hearts ever since. There was nothing cooler than cracking open an ice cold surge Saturday morning while watching your favorite cartoon.
3. 3D Doritos
The only thing we could think of that is cooler than regular Doritos is 3D Doritos. The jalapeno cheddar goodness that was 3D Doritos is something dreams are made of.
4. Hi-C Ecto Cooler
Back in the 1980’s to correspond with the upcoming Ghostbusters movie Hi-C decided to make a drink to tie into the film. The drink was a huge success, until around 1997 when Slimer was removed from the packaging. The drink lasted until 2001 when it was then discontinued.
5. Oreo O’s
How do you make America’s favorite cookie even better? Press it into in a ring shape and add milk. We miss you Oreo O’s, come back soon.
6. Fruit String Thing
There was nothing more satisfying than pulling the fruity stringy goodness out of the shape it was placed in the package. It seemed like a nightmare when these went away, RIP Fruit String Thing.
7. Snapple Rain
We miss all our Snapple elements, but nothing compared to the Snapple rain. The deliciousness of the Agave Cactus was a whole new experience and something not recreated since.
8. Planters Cheez Balls
There hasn’t been a cheese ball quite like the Planters kind since since it’s departure. The extreme cheesy-ness the signature cardboard cylinder you ate them out of. These were a definitely a 90’s snack food staple.
9. Butterfinger BB’s
The commercials was one of the most recognized of the 90’s and a cult classic to this day. Nobody better lay a finger on Bart’s Butterfinger BB’s!
10. Squeezit
There was no better time of the day than when you opened up your lunch box and seen a Cherry Squeezit drink. No packaged fruit drink can compare to the deliciousness of Squeezit’s!