A child’s life should be filled with laughter, happiness, and innocence but for a four-year-old named Jessica Whelan, life means fighting neuroblastoma and doctors say her time is running out. Earlier this year, Jessica was responding well to treatment and her prognosis looked good but she recently took what her family called a u-turn and her cancer is now taking over her body.
When Jessica’s mom was thinking of a final wish that would make Jessica’s remaining time her precious, Harry Styles came to mind. He is an idol/favorite of Jessica’s and from that moment on, a plan was put into place to reach Harry and let him know of one of his youngest fans and her brave fight. There were posts on Twitter, Facebook, and other forms of social media where fans got together to reach Harry, and as of an hour or so ago, it was confirmed that the effort did not go unnoticed.
Harry contacted the family and offered to FaceTime Jessica or to make a recording for her, and due to her deteriorating state, the family asked for a video which he promised would be sent to her soon. In true Harry fashion, he let no time pass between the request for his time and the response to the family; he’s got a heart of gold and he never asks for credit at all, instead he strives to make the lives of other people easier or happier in any way that he can.
This isn’t the first time Harry has taken the time to show love for a sick fan, and it certainly won’t be the last. Harry has made FaceTime calls, video messages, and even sometimes hospital/home visits for fans of his who are ill or close to the end of their lives and with each one he shows a humble gratitude for their life, for choosing him as an idol, and for getting to be part of their special story.
Jessica, pictured above with her parents, will get the surprise of a lifetime from Harry soon and everyone who knows her is already so thankful for the gesture.
In a world where fame and fortune are infamous for changing people and hardening their hearts, Harry is living proof that nothing is more important than kindness, and we couldn’t be more proud to have such an incredible idol of our own.
You can donate to Jessica’s family during this time of need here.