Following a much-talked about performance at the 2016 Grammy Awards, Adele sat down with Ellen DeGeneres to talk about the experience.
Prior to sitting down with Ellen for a chat, Adele performed All I Ask on the show. Accompanied by a piano, the singer was full of emotion, delivering an amazing, emotional performance.
During the beginning of her performance of the same song at the Grammys, a metallic, clanging noise overpowered the piano that was accompanying the singer.
The 27-year-old explained that the noise was not “Bieber rehearsing,” as was widely believed, but rather a microphone that had fallen onto the strings in the piano, resulting in the distracting noise. Adele admits that she knew what the issue was right away, but didn’t fix it.
“I heard it straightaway, and I wanted to turn–I knew what it was… I knew where the mic was and I wanted to turn around and lift it up but I froze.”
The Hello singer called the performance “pitchy,” which solicited a scoff from Ellen, and a laugh from the audience. She admits to having been embarrassed and reveals that she spent the following day crying. Adele chalked up the pitchy-ness to emotion, noting that she would have cried had the performance gone really well. She notes that it was nothing a burger and a beer couldn’t fix, treating herself to both that night.
The piano mics fell on to the piano strings, that’s what the guitar sound was. It made it sound out of tune. Shit happens. X
— Adele (@Adele) February 16, 2016
Because of it though… I’m treating myself to an in n out. So maybe it was worth it.
— Adele (@Adele) February 16, 2016
When asked what the hardest part of dealing with her fame and success, Adele provided an interesting answer, explaining that she now has to be more guarded. The singer calls herself “mouthy,” noting that she often doesn’t hold back her feelings, or what she says, or who she says them to. She says that it is a small price to pay, and she doesn’t really mind it.
After admitting to becoming a bit of a recluse after the birth of her son, she reveals that she received a bit of counsel from a fellow musician, and was fine after that, saying “that mentality wasn’t my thing.”
The singer goes on to gush about her three-year-old, whom she had just taken to Disneyland. She notes that a bit of nerves accompanied her first visit to the theme park.
“I had the best time there. I was dreading going and I was really nervous about going.”
The experience was an emotional one for Adele. She tells that her grandfather, who died when she was 10, had always planned on taking her. Upon arriving at the castle, she was “full-on welled up.” Both she and her son’s interactions with the characters in the park brought on more tears.
“The innocene of it all was what was so magical. I cried when I met Belle because I was talking to my kid and then she started talking and I was like ‘oh my God…and I burst into tears.”
Despite there being much talk of tears during the interview, Adele was all smiles, sharing plenty of laughs with Ellen, and even recorded Ellen’s voicemail message to the tune of Hello. The pair later teamed up to prank workers at Jamba Juice near the studio. Following directions from Ellen in her in-ears, Adele proved herself to be quite the actress. At one point, she asks the worker for a large drink in a small cup. You can watch the hilarious prank here.
You can watch the full interview below.
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