March is Brain Tumor Awareness month and March 4th specifically is a day to rock a trendy accessory while raising awareness. Bandanas for Brain Tumors Day brings supporters, survivors, celebrities, and anyone who wants to make a difference together for one cause – bringing early diagnosis to brain tumors and improving the lives of those affected by them.
While March 4th is upon us and there isn’t time to get an official bandana sent to your house, you can still rock one on your own and purchase the official bandana for later wear. The money raised from these purchases will help fund research at the University of Cambridge, the University of Edinburgh and the University of Nottingham. On March 4th make sure you post a photo and use the hashtag #WearItOut which links people back to the initiative, thus bringing even more awareness their way!
In the month of March alone over 800 people will be diagnosed with a brain tumor and in a year’s time over 9,500 people will be diagnosed with a primary brain tumor. The worst part of the statistic is that most brain tumors are found late and can cause long term disability and other health problems. Early diagnosis is key to treating a brain tumor with the least amount of side effects – and with your help, early diagnosis can become a reality.
Some celebrities have taken part in spreading the word, as well as posing with their bandanas already – inspiring and encouraging others to join the movement.
Tom Daley and Lorraine posted their photos early and @BrainTumorOrg tweeted them out – making sure everyone was preparing for their own involvement!
There were also some retweets done to help spread the word about brain tumor awareness month and the Bandanas for Brain Tumors event!
One of those tweets was by one of our favorite celeb mum’s Anne Twist! She’s constantly tweeting, retweeting, and encouraging others to help raise awareness for multiple charities and drives that benefit the wellbeing of everyone. Harry’s heart of gold looks just like hers!
We’re encouraging you to wear your bandanas tomorrow and support brain tumor awareness – if you do tweet us at @CelebMix and show us how you decided to accessorize and help The Brain Tumor Charity.