Jamie Kaler is an American comedian well known for his role on TBS’ My Boys where he plays a character named Mike. He currently hosts a television show on American Heroes Channel called America: Fact vs. Fiction where he dives deeper into some of America’s history to show viewers what’s true, what’s false, and why some narratives are elaborated upon for a more compelling story.
There are four seasons so far of the compelling television show and if you’re a history buff or someone well versed on everything from pirates and witches to presidents and war stories; you’ll find it extremely easy to get lost in the episodes. Not only is the content attention grabbing, Jamie’s presence as a host and narrator will keep you entertained as well.
If you’ve yet to check out the show but are interested to get started, you’re in luck! Jamie let us know that on Labor Day, September 5th, there will be a marathon of America: Fact vs. Fiction where you can watch some of the most interesting stories in American History to date and test your own knowledge alongside the episodes.
In addition to his television show, we got to chat with Jamie about his rise to fame; starting at comedy clubs and making his way to Los Angeles. He had quite a journey, starting off being bullied in school and using humor as a way to remedy that, he’s someone a lot of people can relate to and he’s also living proof that achieving your dreams takes hard work, but it’s worth it.
If you want to learn more about Jamie, check out his website and don’t forget to tune into the America: Fact vs. Fiction marathon on The American Heroes Channel!