Fridays are great. They’re the day everyone looks forward to, to go out with friends or stay at home binge watching shows on Netflix whilst being wrapped up in a blanket burrito. They can’t get any better, right? Wrong.
Yesterday, Against The Current dropped a song, “Runaway” and we were not prepared at all. It brought us back to the earlier days, sounding like a song that could have seamlessly fit right into the Infinity EP. Think pre-Gravity era. Excited yet? Of course you are.
The song keeps the youthful spirit fans have grown to love, perfectly capturing the energetic feeling of being in love as a teenager both in the composition and the lyrics. It’ll make you want to spend a night out in the city with your significant other. Or for those of us in the single Pringles club, we’ll just pop in a romantic comedy. Give it a listen and tell us what you think!
We’ll just be blasting the song on repeat along with many others while we wait not so patiently for their new album, In Our Bones to be released on May 20th. Let’s be honest-it’s going to be worth the wait, considering how good “Running With The Wild Things” and “Runaway” were. Looks like there’s a lot of running involved in this album.
What’s your favourite lyric from “Runaway” ? Let us know by tweeting us at @CelebMix!