Gird up your loins, because here comes Emiko Shibamura, who recently released the music video for “Akindo Fighter.”
The 65-year old Japanese rapper started out as a finger-pressure therapy student. Then she went to work as the assistant of Hitori Saito, CEO of Ginza Marukan, and one of the richest men in Japan. Before long, Shibamura was supervising branch offices of Marukan throughout Japan, including Osaka and Tokyo. Eventually, she added Japanese fashion icon and best-selling author to her list of accomplishments.
As one of Japan’s wealthiest women, Shibamura not only owns a plot of land on the moon, but holds a reserved seat to outer space on World View’s first commercial flight to the moon.
Subsequent to having a vision in which the spirit of a white dragon directed her to Hollywood to make her first music video, Shibamura induced the dragon to participate in the video, directed by Michael Laburt and Daniel Merlot. In just five weeks, the video has amassed over 1 million views on YouTube.
“Akindo Figher” opens on quasi-disco flavors flowing into a bubble-gum hip-hop beat with faint filaments of jazz running through it. A stunning breakdown full of metalcore colors and energy atop a rattling drum fill and potent harmonics, gives the tune shifting brawniness.
The video is a total trip, combining visual elements of the Blue Man Group, Green Acres, The Shining, Sesame Street, and Keeping Up With the Kardashians. The video opens with blue-skinned body-builders flexing their pecs, which, by the way, also snort smoke and shoot out laser beams, as Shibamura appears in vast array of avant-garde outfits amid settings reminiscent of Welcome To Me, so kitschy they’re stylish.
There’s a furry Thing that escaped from Sesame Street, two scary looking girls who should be in The Shining, and a muscle-man pose off. The video ends with an ad for Dragon Juice, “made of real dragon blood.” The final seconds of the video insert an adolescent’s voice, saying, “That was fun!”
And hey, it is fun. And Emiko Shibamura really can rap. So don’t miss this fantastic voyage to another dimension, where dragons exist.