Mumford and Sons are a name known to many. The indie/folk rock group that always have a song you can’t help but sing along to. Tonight though, anyone who spent the time and money to watch them at Hyde Park have to agree, they are so much more. They are a world class band that can entertain the thousands.
British Summer Time in Hyde Park is a world class music festival that allows big artists to perform in the iconic park. Mumford having a long list of accomplishments and only on there third album it only natural that they were asked to play. They handpicked an amazing selection of bands with Will Joseph Cook, Wolf Alice, and Alabama Shakes to name a few.
Mumford as soon as they stepped on the stage they commanded the crowd. Opening with “Snake Eyes” to many screaming the lyrics to playing “Little Lion Man” it was hard to not watch the joy on everyone’s faces. The band kept thanking the audience for where they were today and how exciting this was for them. Marcus Mumford even implying this was there idea of success. They thanked the crowd by playing everyone’s favorites like “Lover of the Light” and “The Cave.” Even thanking the fans by Marcus running through the crowd, jumping into it for a lovely stage dive, and waving a huge flare near the general admission section of the venue. They also surprised fans by doing two acoustic songs from there Gentleman of the Road tour, to a nearly silent crowd. Who else would be able to silence a park like Mumford and Sons can?
The band ended the perfect day and night with “The Wolf” to a crowd screaming and a perfect firework display. To say they went out with a bang is not even doing the event justice. Tonight at Hyde Park was a reason to truly love music and a story you’ll be able to tell your grandchildren one day.
Did you see Mumford and Sons in Hyde Park? Tweet us at @CelebMix!