Australian pop artist Sloan Peterson wants to introduce the world to who she is as an artist and person through her musical diary EP ‘Lost Illusions‘. Fuelled with essences of dreamy aesthetics from start to finish, Sloan’s EP showcases evocative, soul-baring lyrics and playfully plucky instrumentals across the 7 songs.
Full of elevated storytelling and seamlessly blended pop rock, Sloan’s EP features her previous mainstays “Sick & Selfish”, “Wear My Heart Out”, and “Nightmare”, as well as a heartfelt cover of Olivia Newton John’s “There Are Worse Things I Can Do”. However, it’s her opening track “Miss Me” that kicks off the EP nicely, as it features a fresh take on a playful schoolyard rhyme.
“I wrote most of this EP at a time when I was struggling to understand my identity and was questioning some of the decisions I was making,” Sloan says about the influence of her life on the EP. “Music is my therapy, and listening to these songs reminds me to enjoy the present, and appreciate the little things. I hope you enjoy my EP – so much joy, sweat, tears and years went into it!”
Los Illusions is an absolute beaut and worth the listen in its entirety. Whilst not every song is for everyone, there is no doubt you’ll find something in it to enjoy. Sloan is a great talent and clearly has a lot more to say as an artist, and I cannot wait for more.