Even though One Direction is the world’s biggest band, there are plenty of people who are constantly underrating them and their music. They’re frequently reffered as a “kiddy pop group” and other nicknames and I couldn’t disagree more. However, the people who say such things are usually the ones, who’s never heard a 1D song besides “What Makes You Beautiful” (which is, by the way, also quite an underappreciated song). Here are some of the things all the people should know before they start shading the boys. Here are some of the things, which should be praised a bit more.
They are always here for the fans
Niall, Harry, Louis, Liam and Zayn (who’s unfortunately not a member of 1D anymore) are always here for the fans, no matter what. Despite how huge their fanbase is, they always talk to their fans if they can. Whether it’s during meet & greets or in streets. They often tweet back and follow fans on Twitter. They observe what’s going on in the fandom. They geniunely care.
They are always here for each other
They always have each other’s backs no matter what. Whether they’re just upset or it’s the end of the tour and they’re all sad. When Liam’s ex-girlfriend, Sophia Smith, broke up with him, they cancelled the show. That might have upset some of the fans. However, I’m sure Liam would be much more misserable if it weren’t for the other boys. For example, when Louis hosted a charity ball, Liam attended and donated a huge amount of money. So did Harry and Niall, who unfortunately didn’t make it to the ball.
They all are very witty
Since the X Factor days till now, to infinity. You can’t disclaim their sense of humour, really. They always joke around, some more, some less. Not everyone might get their jokes, but you can’t deny that they’re funny, one way or another.
They have dirty minds
Doesn’t matter if you’re more into sexual innuendos or just plain gestures. They do it all. Sure, this is not always an appropriate thing to do, when they have such a huge number of underaged fans, on the other hand, though, when other celebrities can, why couldn’t they? It’s not like they only have teenage fans, it’s not like that, indeed.
They love their families and friends very much
No matter how far from home they are, they always never forget about their families and friends. Sometimes they also take them to tour with them for a bit. Louis does that really often, as he invites his friends Calvin, Luke and Oli to tour with him. His sister Lottie, who’s 17 now, actually tours with the band all the time, since she helps their groomer, Lou Teasdale, with hair and make-up.
If you’ve been one of those people with the opinion that One Direction are just “a bunch of silly kids in a group”, did this change your mind, at least a bit? I sincerely hope it did, because these things are just a tiny shred of the reasons why they should be praised more that they are.
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