John and Edward Grimes, aka Jedward, are very well known for their crazy hair, clothes and personalities, but what if we look at their tweets? Here we have 15 of our favourite sayings from the twins.
15. Who knows what goes on in their minds?
Some Moles are wannabe nipples
— JEDWARD (@planetjedward) October 11, 2015
14. The most relatable tweet we’ve ever seen.
SCHOOL: 2 + 2 = 4
HOMEWORK: 2 + 4 + 2 = 8
EXAM: Edward has 4 apples, his train is 7 minutes early, calculate the suns mass.
— JEDWARD (@planetjedward) May 15, 2014
13. Their positive attitude on life is contagious
Just so You know you can't live a Cool life with a negative mind
So think Positive and Don't over think things and stay cool— JEDWARD (@planetjedward) August 28, 2012
12. Haven’t we all?
When we were little we went 2 the library and asked for a book on how to read!
— JEDWARD (@planetjedward) February 20, 2013
11. They make the most of pop-culture
When sharks attack you be like…BUT First let me take a Selfie!! #Sharknado3
— JEDWARD (@planetjedward) July 23, 2015
10. Now this is the perfect present idea for your siblings
One Christmas I Gave Edward A Pack Of Batteries And On The Back I Wrote Toys Not Included HaHa
— JEDWARD (@planetjedward) December 10, 2013
9. Works every time
remember guys If everything doesnt go to plan just pretend you dont speak English
— JEDWARD (@planetjedward) May 7, 2012
8. Aww
Always remember that you are somebody's reason to smile
— JEDWARD (@planetjedward) October 14, 2013
7. I’m sure everyone agrees with this
My Chemical Romance You Rock You will never break up because the music still lives on in our hearts@MCRofficial
— JEDWARD (@planetjedward) March 24, 2013
6. We all know this feeling
The Feeling when you squeeze into those skinny jeans…
— JEDWARD (@planetjedward) May 29, 2015
5. More pick-me-ups
Always Remember That When You Are getting Older and Doing More Grown Up Things That You Don't Have To Change And Lose The Real You
— JEDWARD (@planetjedward) April 11, 2013
4. EVERY fan will appreciate this tweet
1.25! there is a funny story to this tweet it's about a video that i had a wardrobe malfunction! You gotta smile
— JEDWARD (@planetjedward) September 18, 2014
3. Just a little warning
My name's John, call me Johnathan and you die
— JEDWARD (@planetjedward) February 15, 2012
2. One of the most famous Jedward quotes
— JEDWARD (@planetjedward) November 7, 2010
1. Ooops…
What's Tweeted On Twitter Stays On Twitter
— JEDWARD (@planetjedward) March 4, 2014
With their 34.4k tweets, this list could go on forever, so if you ever need a good pick-me-up, advice, or just a little giggle, make sure you check out @planetjedward‘s page.
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