As some of you may know YouTuber and Internet sensation Zoe Sugg aka Zoella has two novels out called ‘Girl Online’ and the sequel ‘Girl Online On Tour’. Recently she announced she was writing the third book. That’s right the THIRD!
In today’s vlog, Zoe revealed the title and the book cover. And the title is drumroll
GIRL ONLINE GOING SOLO (All the excited emojis!) Here is the cover:
How AMAZING does it look? We can’t wait to read it and if you look carefully, there are a few hints on the cover as to what the book is going to based on.
If you want to know more, watch the vlog below and then let us know what you think either on Twitter @CelebMix or comment below. And also don’t forget to use the hashtags #Zoella #GoingSolo and #GirlOnlineGoingSolo on Twitter for an emoji of Zoe’s face!