London-based singer-songwriter EMINZADA releases his brand-new single, “Sociopath,” a song written alongside Apollo Love, Fanny Sonderberg, Erin McGlynn, and Karim Afas.
EMINZADA explains, “This song is about the person who I was afraid to become. At some point, I met so many sociopaths in my life – their toxic character and demanding attitude were part of my life. I felt like a source of energy for them, and at the end of the day I was so drained that I couldn’t continue doing my everyday activities.”
Originally from Baku City, Azerbaijan, EMINZADA has grown up with diversity in abundance, living between Azerbaijan, Turkey, and the U.S., before making his move to London. Paying homage to his classical background in music composition, his music explores notions of camp, lust, and escapism, representing freedom of artistic expression and his homeland’s musical culture and futurism, with his Azerbaijani heritage beaming proudly throughout.
A supporter of the disabled LGBTQIA+ community, EMINZADA does not simply advocate, but is part of the community, managing his own disability – Pectus Excavatum. EMINZADA always felt as though he didn’t fit in with society’s standards of male beauty yet has empowered himself and others to stand out and stand up for themselves, overcoming both physical and emotional hurdles.
With 335,000 followers on Instagram, EMINZADA has been featured in elite outlets and will soon be releasing his EP, while at the same time planning to start a non-profit organization called Emin Eminzada Foundation, which will support artists in achieving their goals.
“Sociopath” rolls out on swirling tones riding a throbbing kick-drum as EMINZADA’s wickedly sui generis voice imbues the lyrics with magnetic, echoing timbres. Washes of synth colors blend with the fat, vibrating bassline to form delicious, portentous harmonic layers.
At once spellbinding and brimming with potent dynamics, “Sociopath” hums with low-slung, dangerous dynamism.