The season seven finale of Game of Thrones gave us the first ever glimpse of Rhaegar Targaryen and confirmed a long standing theory. During a flashback scene where he married Lyanna Stark, it became official that Rhaegar is the legitimate father of Jon Snow, which makes Jon, or Aegon Targaryen, the rightful heir to the Iron Throne.
After much speculation online over who would play Rhaegar, the role went to Wilf Scolding. Having starred in shows such as Skins, Doctors and The Passing Bells, you may already be familiar with the charming actor. If not, then we’re certain his Game of Thrones debut will soon make him a household name. Whilst he wasn’t on screen for long, it was great to see Wilf bring Rhaegar to life through flashbacks and his appearance certainly caused a huge buzz amongst the Game of Thrones fanbase.
We recently had the opportunity to speak to Wilf at Film & Comic Con Cardiff, where we discussed all things Game of Thrones, his film Bees Make Honey, and much more.
Welcome to Film & Comic Con Cardiff! How are you enjoying your time here so far?
I’m loving it! I went to Royal Welsh (College of Music & Drama) so I know Cardiff very well. I did my drama school training here so I’m very fond of it. My parents met in the city, and I think it’s a lovely place which is very friendly and welcoming so it’s lovely to be back!
Obviously we’ve got to talk about Game of Thrones! You made your screen debut during the season seven finale. How did the opportunity to play Rhaegar come about?
I was doing a play at the time, A Midsummer Night’s Dream. An audition came up for it and I managed to be seen for it. I got a call a few days later saying I got it, I was thrilled!
There was a lot of speculation on the internet before hand that you would be playing Rhaegar, Jon Snow’s dad. How hard was it to keep the secret?
It was hard but the hardest bit was when there was a leak. People knew my name had been bandied around and there were a lot of people on social media asking me things and it felt rude not to respond but I wasn’t allowed. I was advised that not responding was the best way so that was the hardest bit – not wanting to appear rude but trying to not give anything away.

How did you prepare for the role? Were you a big fan of the show beforehand?
I’d not really watched it beforehand so I watched it all before I did it – that was my preparation haha! I was nervous – it’s a huge show, a huge deal and a massive character.
You’ve had a great really great reaction from the audience!
I have, yeah! Everyone’s been really really lovely and very kind, I didn’t expect that at all. I knew the character was a big deal but I didn’t expect this kind of response. It’s been lovely!
Thankyou for all the lovely messages, you lot are Ace. Such a huge honour being part of a phenominal cast and show #GoTS7Finale #whosyadaddy
— Wilf Scolding (@WilfScolding) August 28, 2017
Obviously you can’t talk about whether or not you’ll be featured in season eight, but it’s certainly something the fans want to see…
It has been mentioned that they [the fans] would like to [see me on screen again], and that’s one of the loveliest things, I keep using the word lovely, but the whole experience has been wonderful. It’s fantastic to have gone down like that. I’d be thrilled to be asked to come back but I’m not sure, I have no idea at all.
You’re also starring in Bees Make Honey, which had its premiere last night. How did the premiere go?
It was really fun! I hadn’t seen the cast for ages as we made it two years ago so it was lovely to see Hermione [Corfield] and Alice [Eve] and Trevor [Eve] as well. Also director Jack [Eve] who I’m very good friends with now. I made some real pals on that film and it was my first feature film, my first big role so it was a really lovely time.
Can you tell us a little about the film and your role as Inspector Shoerope?
It’s a sort of black comedy/murder mystery set in 1934. It’s a period piece and Alice plays this hostess. It transpires her husband was murdered a year ago to the day on a Halloween party so she recreates the whole event. She gets everybody there who attended last year to try and ascertain who the murderer is. I come in as an outside person with the police force, as a young impressionable detective to help her find the murderer.
You’re also a chef, which is very different lifestyle from your acting! How much time do you have to chef these days?
I still chef! I run the kitchen in a little cafe and it’s nice to be able to switch off from both worlds. I was a chef for a little while before going to drama school, and I got back into it since graduating. I’m sure a lot of actors talk about in between jobs, and that’s one of my favourite ones. I really enjoy cooking and I enjoy learning from other people. A lot of chefs are very gifted and my favourite thing is to learn about different countries, cultures and cuisines. I was recently in Calais and learnt a lot of Syrian recipes and just using spices I’d never thought of using before, it’s fascinating.
What’s next for you? Do you have anything planned that you can tell us about?
I will hopefully be a long standing part in The Archers so I’m going to be doing more of that. There’s a few things up in the air but nothing concrete.
Thank you so much to Wilf for his time. We wish him all the success in the world with his future endeavours.