Kylie is the youngest of the Jenner sisters. She too has been in the spotlight from a young age and her fans have been able to watch her grow up on Keeping Up With The Kardashians.
She’s the creator of her own cosmetics line; Kylie Cosmetics, and earned millions from sales of her signature Kylie Lip Kit. She’s also got her own Kylie merchandise including t-shirts and phone cases. With Kendall, she also launched a clothing collection for PacSun and TopShop called Kendall & Kylie.
Kylie is also highly followed on all social media platforms. She frequently posts on Twitter, Instagram and SnapChat to keep her fans up to date.
Let’s hear what some of her fans have to say about her:
Chloe, 17, Ireland (@BradleyBiebs)
Many people these days dislike Kylie Jenner as they see her as a bad role model for young girls these days but that’s not the case in my opinion. Many people associate Kylie Jenner as being ‘lazy’,’fake’ and nothing more than a social media influencer but in reality, she has set up her own business, bought a house and has jumped at many business opportunities all by the age of 19. She is so unique and has a huge impact in the beauty and fashion world of today.
Jaylon, 16, Washington, D.C (@kyliesstan)
I’ve been in love with Kylie since her app came out. once I watched her video I felt like we connected and I decided to see just love her. Like I felt like I’ve been friends with her since she dated Tyga. That’s when I started to put her as my wallpaper on my lock screen and home screen. I downloaded her app and I would see if she’s updated her anything on her app. I would follow her on Instagram and just like her pictures and videos. So, a few weeks ago I decided to make a twitter account of Kylie and make a website of her too. But, it’s just my blog lol. I wanted to make sure everyone knows that I love her so much.
I told a story on my Twitter page on how I bought her Kylie Jenner lip color “candy k” and I got in trouble with my parents. I love her so much because she’s just adorable. I’ve been called Kylie Jenner before too. I don’t know why but, it just happened. I want to meet her one day actually. I would cry if I meet her. That’s why I love King Kylie.
Taysha, 18, United Kingdom (@aintkisses)
Kylie is my fave because she always loves us and updates us in her life. I love her because she’s perfect. I also love her because she honest about her fans and her wigs are well outta this world.
Sophie, 16, England (@waheysophie)
I love Kylie mainly because of her personality. I find her so hilarious and she’s genuinely enjoyable to watch. She is an amazing businesswoman and I think that makes her a great role model to have. She’s also just an incredibly beautiful woman and I’m constantly in awe of her, as many other are.
Katie, 17, England (@purposekatie)
Kylie is really inspirational as she didn’t give up on what she wanted to do and has become really successful, she interacts with fans and takes into account what the fans want which makes her a good businesswoman, she’s not afraid of what others think of her and she shows that it’s okay to be yourself no matter what anyone else says.
Sia, 14, England (@sistersKKjenner)
Many people love Kylie Jenner, some don’t know why they love her. Some of the reasons are; her body, she is very dear, her cosmetics, Kylie style collections, she is very beautiful too.
Jennie, 17, England (@yagurljens)
I love Kylie because she’s really stylish, I love Kylie’s lip kit! Honestly, Kylie understands the darker skin tones and therefore her lipkits are suitable for a wonder minority.