Since hitting the road on March 13th 2016 at Cardiff’s Motorpoint Arena, the Little Mix ladies have blessed our eyes and ears with their incredible Get Weird Tour.
The band rocked venues in Europe, Australia and Asia, playing to over 600,000 fans on what is the biggest girl group tour of the decade! Not too shabby if you ask us. They played songs from their smash hit album ‘Get Weird’ along with some of their other chart hits such as ‘Wings’ and ‘Salute.’
As the tour comes to an end, (with the exception of several events in August) we are going to take a look at some of the most incredible moments from the sixty show extravaganza, whether it involves phenomenal vocals or smooth dance routines.
So sit back, relax and enjoy some highlights from the outstanding Get Weird Tour.
1. Their iconic entrance
2. Perrie’s Little Me high note which just got longer as the tour progressed
Perrie's long note in Little Me tonight at #GetWeirdTourBelfast ?
— CelebMix Little Mix (@CelebmixLM) July 2, 2016
— ? (@confidentleigh) June 18, 2016
4. The complete wildness that is Weird People live
5. Little Mix aka the only people who can dance to a phone ringtone and make it look cool
6. Leigh Anne’s incredibly moving vocals during Secret Long Song Part II.
7. The amazing transition between Lighting and DNA
8. When the concert turned into a full on rave when medley kicked in
9. Those ADIDAS thrones though. Only the best for real life queens.
10. … And lowkey every single moment from every date of the tour because everything about it was incredible and only picking ten moments is an extremely difficult and unfair task and we shame you for forcing us into it.
Honestly, there were way too many special moments from the tour which made this list very tricky to make. The whole tour was just completely flawless. With breathtaking vocals, sleek dance moves and interaction with the fans from start to finish, the Get Weird Tour was an amazing night for anyone lucky enough to attend. We can only hope that the girls manage to expand their destinations even further as they embark on another tour sometime in the near future.
What were your highlights from the Get Weird Tour? Tweet us them at @CelebMix!