Unless you’ve been living under a rock, the 1975 are back and their new video is out! And they’re now pink instead of black and white, which is cool because we weren’t expecting it.
Following up from that Twitter stunt they pulled on the last day of May, they’re now back with new single Love Me. Matty revealed the song is about narcissism and how they’ve seen it first-hand on their rise to fame. He said in an interview during its’ premier (on 9th October 2015) “We’ve become pop stars…our day to day lives are now very different and we want to evolve with our fans”, which explains their change in display. He also said that he’s thankful to The 1975’s fan base for giving them the opportunity to truthfully portray what fame is like.
So at 4pm today, the video for Love Me was released just a couple of weeks after the single. Here’s 5 Reasons why watching it is a must:
Cardboard Cut-Outs – the video includes cardboard cut-outs of familiar faces like Miley Cyrus when she was younger, Harry Styles and, my personal favourite, Mr Bean. This adds humour to the video as Matty’s seen asking them if they want a drink and also licking Harry’s face. Just casual Matty to be honest.
Matty looks like Mick Jagger – with his top off, tattoos bare and tight black trousers, it’s easy to see the similarities between Matty and a young Mick Jagger. In fact, Matty got a bit starstruck when he saw Mick Jagger dancing along to their 2013 gig in Hyde Park saying “It was like every fantasy and dream becoming a reality”, and he said from then on he knew the band would make it big.
It’s very pink and colourful – as their new theme appears to be pink, the band have definitely made it one of the priorities in their new video. Compared to one of their oldies but goldies ‘Girls’ which was all in black and white, this video highly contrasts with it. The female dancers all wear brightly coloured leotards, and the main dancer is seen wearing an extremely bright pink dress strutting around in front of four blow up balloons in the shape of ‘1 9 7 5’. Looks like a lot of harmless fun (and I want one of those dresses).
1980’s feel – like the song, the video itself has a very 80’s vibe that suits them brilliantly. They’ve captured the 80’s brightly coloured fashion perfectly, with Adam’s amazing silver jacket and sparkly guitar. Matty himself wears blue eyeshadow which was common for rockstars back then, so its’ obvious they’re trying to true to their name and follow in the 80’s footsteps.
The rebellious feel captures them perfectly – I think I love this video because it truly captures who The 1975 are and what they stand for. They hate the ‘lack in good pop music’ and also music with no meaning. This whole video is basically just making fame seem ironic and how it can poison a person and maybe even drive them crazy. The band have said that they feel like they’re ambassadors for this generation, and they want to let their fans know that nothing should stop them from expressing who they are.