South Florida singer Alexis Arnold recently released her brand-new single ‘Lost in You’, calling it “the most vulnerable record I have ever released”. We had chat with her about the meaning behind the song and her love for songwriting.
For those of our readers who aren’t familiar with you, how would you describe yourself as an artist?
I would describe myself as a 90’s baby with an old soul, who loves to write love songs and spend time with family. Someone who wants to constantly evolve and challenge myself in all aspects of life. As an artist, I am extremely driven by artists such as Alicia Keys and Mariah Carey. I really love soulful pop music. As an artist, I really just want my songs and art to bring light to the world.
You just released your new single ’Lost In You’. What was the inspiration behind the song?
The song is inspired by love. It’s about falling in love with someone to the point where you genuinely feel lost in everything about them.
You’ve mentioned that it was one of the easiest songs to write for you. What is your usual songwriting process like?
The songwriting process for me always starts at the piano. I’m usually writing late at night; that is where I feel I am in the best head space to write. I usually have candles lit and it always starts with a hook or melody. I always go into writing with a meaning behind what I want to talk about, but I always let my writing come naturally. Some nights I walk away from it because I never feel it’s good to force creativity.
What do you love the most about songwriting?·
I love songwriting so much because it is so freeing. It’s a space where I can be super vulnerable and allow myself to talk about things that normally would be hard to say in everyday life. It really is such a beautiful way to express feelings or open up about things I am going through or experienced. It’s such a beautiful thing to watch other people express that they have felt the same way.
Do you have a favourite song you’ve written?
My favorite song I have written would have to be, “Tell Me”. I feel this way because the song is about knowing if the other person felt that same way about the relationship and I think so many people have experienced this. It also had such a genuine response and love from my fans that it would have to be my favorite.

The music video for your newest single was shot during the Covid-19 lockdown. What was that experience like?
The experience was different from our normal filming. We had to keep social distancing practices and wear masks. We even had to limit the number of individuals on shoot. We had challenges but we found ways around it.
Has the lockdown had an impact on you music-wise or when it comes to writing?
This time has actually inspired even more writing because since everything has slowed down it really allowed me to have time to reflect on life and certain things that I feel opened up more inspiration. The only issue is, I’m usually in the studio more but just for safety, I am writing more at home.
What is your biggest goal at the moment?
My biggest goal right now is to get my fans more music. I have been working on a lot of projects and I really just want them to hear more of my writing and connect more with them and get them to know more of who I am as a person.
One of your biggest inspirations is Mariah Carey. What is it about her that inspires you so much?
The reason Mariah Carey inspires me so much is because she has such a tremendous respect in the industry. Her songwriting has broken records some female artists dream of. So much of her music, when I was growing up, is really the reason I fell in love with music and I aspired to be not only a singer, but a strong songwriter as well. Her music touches your soul and she really has such an incredible talent and hard work ethic.
In what ways do you hope you can inspire others with your music?
I hope that my music can help a young aspiring singer or songwriter fall in love with music the way I did. I really hope that my music can bring some light and healing to the world.