For some people, the world lies directly at their feet and they’ve got all the time in the world to explore it – to make it theirs. In some cases however, like that of 3-year old Ellie Walton, the world seems light years away and exploring it just isn’t an option. Ellie is suffering from a brain tumor, a glioblastoma more specifically, and doctors have said her condition is terminal.
For a young girl who has already gone through 17 surgeries, suffered septic shock and meningitis, and experiences chemotherapy every week; she continues to fight with high spirits. During her battle with the stage four cancer, there’s only one wish that she’s got – and we can all take part in making it happen. Ellie wishes to experience the world from her hometown, and cards from people around the world can lay it at beautifully at her feet.
Her local news station – Fox 9 shared her story on social media and the article says she’s already received over 500 post cards. Her mother noticed her excitement around new places at first when her great-grandparents sent letters about their travel to Ellie – this inspired her to bring people across the world together to bring joy to her daughter, and we think it’s a lovely gesture.
If you’d like to send a postcard to Ellie, or a note of positivity, you can do so at the address listed below. March is brain tumor awareness month and we’ve highlighted The Brain Tumor Charity for the difference they’re determined to make when it comes to those affected by brain tumors.
While strides are being made for research and to find a cure, those affected by tumors now, especially children – can use some positivity and happiness to aid in life after diagnosis; and what a great way to bring joy into your own life by spreading it first to others.
Ellie Walton
PO Box 5094
Spanaway, WA 98387