Set at the height of the 1940’s ‘Trumbo’ is a feature biopic about American writer Dalton Trumbo and his brave effort to continue writing after he is blacklisted during the hunt for communists within the motion picture industry.
Imprisoned after refusing to comply with the House Committee on Un-American Activities, Trumbo was unable to work using his own name for years to come. As well as providing a portrayal of the life and career of Trumbo, the film takes a look at the effect the HCUA’s hunt for communists had on the accused and their families.
Overall, the film is a great rendition of the 1940’s motion picture industry and a riveting 2 hours down memory lane for film buffs. Bryan Cranston is brilliant as Dalton Trumbo and as usual, a joy to watch on screen. ‘Trumbo’ keeps its scenes short and precise so you will never get bored.
What works considerably well is that we also get a glimpse of how the pressure put upon the blacklisted writers affects the American household and the wives and children of the men involved in the struggle. Helen Mirren makes for a good antagonist too with her portrayal of the viscous columnist Hedda Hopper.
‘Trumbo’ was released on February 6 and can still be viewed at participating cinemas.
You can watch the trailer here.
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