YouTuber and Viner Gabbie Hanna, from “The Gabbie Show” expressed her opinions about the latest events relating to gun violence. She uploaded a video on July 9, discussing #BlackLivesMatter and white privilege.
Gabbie explained her hesitation about voicing her opinion. She states that she tries to avoid talking about political issues online. Although she educates herself on important issues, she knows that she still has more to learn. Gabbie states, “I don’t want to offend anybody or spread an opinion that is ill-informed.” She also said that she doesn’t want people to think that she’s “just hopping on a trend for views.” Even so, Gabbie says she made the video because she feels she has something to add to the conversation.
Normally, Gabbie posts “Storytime” videos where she tells comical stories about her life. With all the issues going on in the US right now, she felt that it would be inappropriate. Gabbie explains how grateful she is for her platform. Although it is easier to stay silent on current issues, she felt that it is better to speak up about them. She hopes to use her platform to “shed some light on a very important topic” and welcomes any criticism if she says anything incorrect or offensive.
#BlackLivesMatter Vs. #AllLivesMatter
Gabbie starts by talking about the debate between #BlackLivesMatter and #AllLivesMatter. She says, “Somehow people are taking the movement #BlackLivesMatter and reading it as black lives matter, white lives don’t.” She explains:
All lives matter. Of course they do. This isn’t a trade, nobody’s trying to exchange black lives for white lives, but I hate to break it to you, maybe white people don’t need a movement. At some point we need to realize that a lot of these deaths are systemic and bias.
White Privilege
Gabbie continues by bringing up the topic of white privilege. Although she worked hard to get where she is today, she still has white privilege. She started educating herself by reading articles. She realized that white privilege means that she sees representation of her race everywhere she goes. Gabbie states:
When I approach somebody in a store or on the street or in a school I am seen as a wholesome white girl and not a threat. I have never and probably will never have the words ‘hooligan’ or ‘thug’ used to describe me. People don’t fear me for no reason, and I know for a fact that if my boyfriend was shot four times, point blank in front of my four-year old daughter, after following an officer’s orders, that I would not feel obliged or conditioned to call his shooter ‘sir.’
Gabbie also explains “having white privilege doesn’t make you a bad person but denying that it exists is extremely detrimental to societal growth.” She acknowledges Alton Sterling, Philando Castile, the Dallas officers, Orlando victims, and Christina Grimmie. She closes her video by inviting everyone to keep the conversation going with the hashtag #keeptalking.
It is important for people to discuss these issues with each other. One must also remember to be honest and respectful.
You can watch Gabbie’s full video here.
Join in on the conversation by tweeting #keeptalking to @CelebMix.