Lilly Rose Depp Comes Out via Instagram in the most subtle way ever and is officially my new favorite person.
The sixteen year old model steps away from her usual glitz and glamor themed shoots and goes with a more laid-back photo to promote the Self Evident Project…where she might have low-key outed her self while she was at it.
So, What is the Self Evident Trust Project you might ask?
This project is run by a photographer named iO who, according to his website, has a goal of documenting “…10,000 people in the USA that identify as ANYTHING OTHER than 100% straight.” Once 10,000 photos are documented, iO states that he and his team will take each photograph and line them up in front of the Washington Monument for everyone to see in hopes of making the discrimination against the LGBQT community less approachable. Pretty sweet right
To learn more about the Self Event Project click here.