When Vinyl Theatre first released “Feel It All”, we were impressed by the change in their sound – it was a step away from the poppier, electronic, synth-heavy sound we were used to, and a strong step towards a more intense vibe. It’s a track that proved that Vinyl Theatre can indeed do both, and had us even more excited for their upcoming EP later this year.
They’ve released a version of the “Feel It All” remixed by Holz, and CelebMix is excited to be sharing it!
From their early beginnings in 2012 to touring with acts such as Panic! At The Disco, the Fueled By Ramen alumni have been continuously building their sound and style through the years.
As the group goes in a new direction, the creative turns and risks being taken don’t come without reward. With every new song comes a new experience and story to tell.
“”Feel It All” is about a crossroad in your life where you are forced to decide between giving up all that you’ve built your life upon or fighting to keep it all alive even if just for another day,” says lead singer Keegan Calmes. “The human condition forces us all to endure these hardships and the human spirit shows itself most vibrantly when we choose to fight for the things we love and for their existence.”
Vinyl Theatre successfully evokes different feelings from the “Feel It All” with multiple takes on the song, such as a performance video to visually capture the dynamic energy of the track, an acoustic version for a softer approach, and now, a remix of the track from Holz! Holz puts a unique, playful spin on “Feel It Now”.
You can hear the remix here:
Stay updated with Vinyl Theatre on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and Spotify!
Are you loving the remix of “Feel It Now”? Let us know by tweeting us at @CelebMix!