Since May last year, Sleeping At Last has been slowly releasing songs to make up Atlas: Year Two. This is a follow up to his album ‘Atlas: Year One’ which was released in July 2014.
The first album contains 30 songs with all kinds of names from ‘You Are Enough’ to names of all the nine major planets of our Solar System. ‘Atlas: Year One’ is a beautifully mastered album and if ‘Atlas: Year Two’ is anything like that, then it will definitely be a masterpiece.
So far, ‘Atlas: Year Two’ has eight songs including the song that Sleeping At Last released yesterday called ‘Atlas: Hearing’. Other songs that have been released so far include ‘Overture II’, ‘Atlas: Life’, ‘Atlas: Son’, ‘Atlas: Daughter’, ‘Atlas: Touch’, ‘Atlas: Taste’ and ‘Atlas: Smell’.
You can listen to Sleeping At Last’s newest addition to the album ‘Atlas: Hearing’ below, and see the beauty that Sleeping At Last has created for yourself.
For more updates on ‘Atlas: Year Two’ be sure to follow Sleeping At Last on twitter, or follow the playlist on Spotify to see them when they’re released.
What do you think of ‘Atlas: Hearing’? Let us know by commenting below or tweeting us @CelebMix.