Throughout the years, the ladies of Little Mix have blessed us all with an array of incredible acoustic performances and it is about time we give them the attention they deserve.
This list will solely focus on acoustic versions of their own tracks. Keep your eyes peeled for a breakdown of their best acoustic covers in the near future!
We asked our followers over on our Twitter account (@CelebMixLM — Follow us!) for their opinions on what they believe the best acoustics that the girls have done to be and we have subsequently created this list!
So, sit back, relax and enjoy the wonder that is the talent of Little Mix!
1. How Ya’ Doin’?
Their infectious 2012 single featuring Missy Elliott became one of the best sounding acoustics that the girls have ever done! The breakdown towards the end of the song which includes Jesy’s amazing beat-boxing is definitely the highlight of the performance!
2. About The Boy
When we first heard this track live, we were completely blown away by how flawlessly Perrie pulls off that incredibly high note during her second solo. If we attempted it, we’d undoubtedly sound like a cat being strangled!
3. Little Me
The second released single from the Salute album certainly pulls at our heartstrings, especially when it is performed in such an intimate setting. The girls blend together perfectly and it is certainly one to create the goosebumps when we hear it performed live!
4. Going Nowhere
An oldie but a goodie! Going Nowhere is a terribly underrated track from their debut album DNA. Leigh-Anne showed her insane rapping skills during this song and the sassy lyrics are some of our favourites!
5. DNA
This track is surely one to go to when wanting to prove Little Mix’s insane harmonizing skills from extremely early on in their career! This song is hauntingly beautiful in an acoustic setting and we wish they would perform it like this more often!
Do you agree with the tracks on this list? What are your favourite Little Mix acoustic performances? Tweet us at @CelebMix and @CelebMixLM!