Coconut Dream is the title of the imminent album – dropping March 15 – from Louis Atlas. The album embraces 10-tracks mirroring Atlas present harmonious state of being.
Atlas explains, saying “It’s because I’m in love. Now, I can’t say I’ve never written love songs. But I’m inspired now to write songs filled with longing and joy and happiness. That’s what I’m feeling now. And I’ve always written about what I feel at the moment.”
Originally from Rochester, NY, and currently based in NYC, Atlas entered the world singing in tune with the musical vibrations of the universe. Later, in his teens, Atlas began playing in rock groups. After attending the Boston Conservatory, he performed in musical theater.
His musical epiphany occurred on a Long Island beach. “One day I headed out to the beach, turned on my portable player to listen to Bob Marley’s ‘Kaya.’ And I tell you, after the first note on that record, I was awestruck and just stood still in amazement. I was hooked. Something happened inside of me. I said out loud, ‘Oh my God … Oh my God!’ I’d just discovered the most wonderful thing in the world.”
From that moment on, reggae music was the consuming passion of Atlas’ life.
He played with Blue Reggae for a while, and then fronted a group called Fatman. What separates Atlas from the pack is his authenticity. While rehearsing, a musician told him, “Just sing like yourself.” He did, and from then on realized the importance of “being who you are.”
Coconut Dream features the impeccable instrumental and vocal virtuosity of: Louis Atlas, Andy Bassford, Bryonha Parham, and Christian Cassan.
Two tracks from Coconut Dream have already been released, “The Lunatics,” and “The People Must Be Free.” Both tracks are marvelous; still from a subjective perspective, my personal favorite is “The Lunatics.” It features a classic organic reggae flow highlighted by the scrumptious backing voice of Parham’s tropical-flavored tones, complementing Atlas’ rich tenor.
“The People Must Be Free” rides a cogent rhythm with shimmering colors atop, along with a cavernous resonant tone. Atlas’ voice reflects concentrated timbres of urgency, imbuing the tune with pensive gravity.
“The Lunatics” and “The People Must Be Free” display the infectious washes of color associated with roots reggae, the way it should be played. If the rest of Coconut Dream is just half as good as these two tracks, you’re in for a treat.