Although Krept and Konan are experiencing a lot of success at the moment they still feel they are not that well known in the U.K. They recently went to an Ed Sheeran gig and walked through the crowd and were only recognised by a handful of people.
Ed Sheeran recently beat their album to the number 1 spot by releasing his album for half the price for a week only; giving him the push to beat Krept and Konan.
This was a bit of a blow to the duo as they said they put a lot of work into the album and it took them about a year to produce. Still they do feel as they have accomplished a lot as they are not only doing well but they were the only two to stay in the music business as originally there were a lot more in their group before fame.
Perhaps one of the reasons behind their success is the fact that they work together so harmoniously they do not compete with one another. For them they said it was the track 21 seconds that started grime, and kicked off the whole grime movement.
When asked what they think of public displays of affection they seemed ok with it. Their response was ‘if she is famous I might.’ However, they did say for a famous couple to break up the situation will get a lot worse as both sides will turn hostile very quickly.