Known for their bewildering range of films that encompass, cover and mingle with just about every genre ever described The Coen Brothers newest film Hail, Caesar! – which they wrote, produced and directed together – looks set to get the Box Office racing with its stellar cast. Usually well at home with terrifying Mexican assassins carrying boltguns in No Country for Old Men or escaped convicts in O Brother, Where Art Thou? Hail, Caesar! cast packs a punch more serious than Mike Iron Tyson. George Clooney, a Coen Brothers regular, leads the cast accompanied by Josh Brolin, Ralph Fiennes, Scarlett Johansson (as a mermaid) and Channing Tatum to name a few, all of whom embrace their theatrical, musical side. See the theatrical trailer below.
The film trailer is full of quirks and twists that we’ve come to expect from the Coen Brothers – the plot winds and unravels across a busy Hollywood production lot the cast find themselves battling a group of shadow kidnappers as they negotiate the problems of producing their own films, across multiple film shoots in a series of musical sequences, providing plenty of opportunity for some Coen comedy moments. Composer Carter Bartwell said of the film “I wouldn’t actually call it a ‘musical comedy’ — there are movies within the movie, and those movies might have comedic music, but the movie we’re making is actually not comical. I haven’t written the music yet, but I’m quite certain it’s actually going to be quite the opposite. It’s going to be rather serious, and it’s about faith. It’s not about the music.”
The films trailer suggested a musical, upbeat theme, but coming from the composer himself I’m now mighty intrigued to see how this adventure through Hollywood pans out. Hail Caesar is scheduled for a Q1 2016 release date, so for those of you looking forwards to Scarlett Johansson frolicking around to 1950s swing, you’ve got a few months to wait yet.
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