Today (January 15th) marks the day that Panic! At The Disco finally dropped their fifth studio album Death of a Bachelor. If you haven’t had chance to give it a listen yet, do yourself a favour and press play. The album—which has skyrocketed to number one in 10 countries—is as technically stunning as you’d expect from a Panic! album, with vocalist Brendon Urie taking influences from polar ends of the genre spectrum.
Death of a Bachelor might be blasting through everyone’s headphones today, but let’s not forget the Panic! At The Disco of the past. Here are CelebMix’s top five classic Panic! tracks:
5. This Is Gospel
‘This Is Gospel’ was the second single to be released from Panic! At The Disco’s 2013 album Too Weird To Live, Too Rare To Die! The track quickly became a fan favourite, following in the path of it’s predecessor ‘Miss Jackson’.
Too Weird To Live, Too Rare To Die! as a whole may have split opinions, but there’s little argument that ‘This Is Gospel’ is one of Panic!’s best tracks. The single is incredibly intricate; Urie combined powerful lyrics and careful instrumentals to create an anthemic sound.
4. Nearly Witches (Ever Since We Met)
Taken from Panic!’s 2011 release Vices & Virtues, ‘Nearly Witches (Every Since We Met)’ is an upbeat throwback to their debut. The track features a children’s choir singing in French, and is just as eccentric as we’ve come to expect from Panic! At The Disco.
3. Northern Downpour
‘Northern Downpour’ hands down contains some of Panic! At The Disco’s most beautiful lyrics. Released alongside their 2008 album Pretty. Odd.—back when they dropped the exclamation from their band name—’Northern Downpour’ was written by past members Ryan Ross and Jon Walker. It might not make many ‘Best of Panic! At The Disco’ lists, but there’s something powerful about this raw, slower track.
“I know the world’s a broken bone, but melt your headaches call it home”
2. London Beckoned Songs About Money Written By Machines
A narrative of the pressures of new-found fame, ‘London Beckoned Songs About Money Written By Machines’ is very typical of Panic!’s debut A Fever You Can’t Sweat Out. It’s a sarcastic, witty lyrical masterpiece, and it’s definitely one of Panic! At The Disco’s most under-appreciated tracks.
1. I Write Sins Not Tragedies
And of course, no Panic! At The Disco listicle is complete without ‘I Write Sins Not Tragedies’. When Panic! shot to fame back in 2005, it was largely on the back of this belter. ‘I Write Sins Not Tragedies’ has become a classic of the early 2000s, still nostalgically gracing the radio every now and then. Panic! At The Disco have been through a lot in their 11 years as a band, but this is one track they’ll never kick the legacy of.
What is your favourite Panic! At The Disco song? Let us know by tweeting @CelebMix or leave a comment below.