Bastille played Madrid and this is what happened…
Bastille absolutely rocked Madrid last night. The whole production was full of energy, singing, shouting, dancing and just thousands of people having an absolute blast, especially because all through the night there were announcements from “Wild World Comms” to announce each act.
First up on stage was LA born band, Frenship. They played a set full of their original songs and even though people didn’t know them that well, it didn’t stop them from jumping and having a great time. Frenship definitely brought a whole lot of energy to the stage and they were a huge crowd pleaser. We look forward to see where they go in the future.
Next up were a band that anyone who went to Wild World Tour Part One would recognise, Rationale. The crowd were very excited about seeing them and everyone had fun singing their songs back at them. Everyone enjoyed clapping and jumping around with them as well as putting their lights to the sky and swaying with them. They also got a loud cheer when they said that we need to “appreciate the moment and the people that we’re with,” which made us a little bit emotional to say the least.
When Rationale went off the stage, the energy soared through the roof as everyone knew Bastille were about to come on. It was announced that there would be a new “news broadcast in five minutes” and the crowd seemed to realise that it meant there was only five minutes before the band hit the stage.
Bastille were coming.
One thing that people love about Wild World is all of the quotes before songs so when the “but we’re talking about the greatest mind this world has ever seen” quote came up, everyone knew Send Them Off! was about to start and the crowd was ready for it. From the very first word that was sung, there was a huge energy in the room that just didn’t leave throughout the whole night.
Songs such as Laura Palmer, Snakes, Blame, Warmth and Fake It had people jumping and screaming their lungs out. Flaws was a particular highlight for many as Dan made his way through the crowd. He jumped and danced with many as he made his way over to the mixing desk to finish the song.
After Flaws, the whole arena was lit up once again for Oblivion. It was definitely a highlight for me as it was just so beautiful. Along with The Draw, everyone joined in with putting their hands up in the air and singing along. It was one of those moments that just warmed my heart.
After a few more songs, Dan made his way back to the mixing desk. He mentioned that they were going to play a “weird cover.” And everyone seemed to know what that meant. Rhythm Of The Night was coming. He asked the crowd if they’d get down and then jump with him when he asked. And, they definitely did. We knew standing by the mixing desk would be a great idea. The energy in the room was definitely amazing after that.
When Dan was back on stage, it was time for Four Walls. He mentioned that this was the most “depressing song” they’d ever written. It was definitely an emotional moment. The whole crowd seemed to have no problems with the words as everyone sang along. Nobody held back as the words were yelled and tears were shed.
Glory was next and it was incredible. Dan said that this was “a happy song or the closest they get to a happy song,” which made the crowd laugh. The visuals behind the song were just beautiful. If you’ve seen the Wild World album cover, the visuals were about how it happened. As Glory came to an end it was time for the “last song.”
The crowd got asked if they were ready to jump to a song about death. They were. As soon as the quotes from Weird Science started up, the energy was in full swing. Everyone in the room yelled the lyrics to Good Grief with a lot of passion and it was an incredible few minutes. Even if we were all dancing to a song about death.
“Wild World Comms” soon came back with an announcement that news would remain shortly.
The communications guy carried on talking to the crowd until the band were ready to come back. And we all figured out why they needed the break. When everyone looked up, half of the band were up on the balcony and Two Evils started up. The room was lit up and the crowd sung their hearts out.
When the song was over and the band safely back on the stage, Icarus brought the energy. Then, it really was the last song of the night. Dan made a point of thanking everyone before he invited Rationale back on stage and took to the piano. Hearing Pompeii live is one of those things that you remember for the rest of your life. There wasn’t a single person in the crowd who wasn’t singing along. It definitely meant the night ended on a high and everyone even sang it on the way out of the venue.
We definitely enjoyed the show and we look forward to the rest of the Wild World Tour.
Are you going to see Bastille on tour or have you already been? Let us know on Twitter @CelebMix